Webinar Nutanix Cloud Native: Driving Digital Disruption Using Hybrid and Multicloud

On October 14, MLPT collaborated with Nutanix to hold a webinar titled, “Driving Digital Disruption Using Hybrid and Multicloud,” by presenting the Nutanix Carbon Cluster solution.

Nutanix Kabon Cluster is a Kubernetes management solution that integrates with the Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor and is easy to operate. The Nutanix Carbon Cluster is the foundational component of the complete Nutanix cloud native stack.

Nutanix Karbon has features and benefits, such as:

  • Deploy a High Availability Kubernetes Cluster in less than 20 minutes
  • Has the ease of operation as in on-premises public cloud services
  • Scaling and upgrading can be done automatically
  • Easy integration and complete partner ecosystem
  • Native Kubernetes user experience with standard API