Audit Committee
The Board of Commissioners exercises authority in appointing an Audit Committee member to assist its supervisory duties and functions. This authority stems from Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No.55/POJK.04/2015 dated 29 December 2015 concerning the Establishment of an Audit Committee and Guidelines on Committee Duties (POJK 55/2015), and IDX Regulation No. I-A, as an appendix to IDX Board of Directors Decree No. Kep-00001/BEI/01-201 regarding Registration of Shares and Equity Securities outside Shares Issued by the Listed Company, which has been terminated as of 27 December 2018 and replaced with IDX Regulation No. I-A Appendix to IDX Board of Directors Decision No. Kep-00183/BEI/12-2018 dated 27 December 2018 (IDX Regulation No. I-A 2018).
The Audit Committee takes responsibility in establishing appropriate internal controls, improving the quality of transparency and financial reports, as well as assessing scope, accuracy, independency and objectivity to the external audit.

Harijono Suwarno
71 years old, Indonesian citizen. Appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company’s based on The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting Deed od Resolution No. 3, dated 19 April 2023.
He earned a degree in Electrical Engineering from Trisakti University Jakarta.
He built his professional career as a Representative at CV Chandra Bhakti Jakarta (1973-1976), Engineer at PT Guna Elektro (1976-1977), PT Centronix with his last position as Project Manager (1977-1980), PT Panorama Graha Teknologi (prev. PT Panorama Timur Jaya) since 1980 until 2019 with the last position was President Commissioner, President Director of PT TeleNet (2000-2004), Director of PT Multipolar Tbk (2004-2011) and PT Multipolar Technology (2011-2014), Commissioner at PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (2014-2016), President Commissioner of PT Multifiling Mitra Indonesia Tbk (2010-2016), President Commissioner at PT MultiIntegra (2004-present), President Director at PT MultiIntegra Digital (2016-present), Director at PT Kreatif Dinamika Integrasi (2017-present), Director at PT Alikasi TaxPedia Indonesia (2019-present).
Harijono Suwarno was appointed as Chairman of the Company’s Audit Committee based on Board Commissioners’ Decree No. 003/KOM-MLPT/V/2023 dated 10 May 2023.

Johanes Jany
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Johanes Jany‘s profile
57 years old, Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta. He holds a Bachelor degree in Economics-Accounting from Sumatera Utara University.
Appointed as member of the Company’s Audit Committee based on Board of Commissioners’ Decree No. 003/KOM-MLPT/V/2023 dated 10 May 2023.
He builts his career with more than 28 years in various leadership roles, notably:
Commissioner: PT Gowa Makassar Tourism Development (2015-2017), PT Lippo Cikarang Tbk (2015), PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (2014-2017), PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (2016-1017)
Director: PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (2014-2017), PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (2014-2017, sebagai Direktur Properti dan Asset Management), PT Matahari Department Store (2005-2010, sebagai Direktur Real Estate & Store Planning), PT Matahari Graha Fantasi (1995-2005)

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Christine‘s profile
42 years old, Indonesian citizen
She has a Bachelor of Economics degree majoring in Accounting from Tarumanagara University. Starting her career as a Senior Associate Auditor at Public Accountants Ernest & YoungPrasetio, Sarwoko & Sandjaja (November 2002 – August 2004), Senior Manager Accounting at PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (August 2004 – April 2013) and Chief Financial Officer at PT Nadya Putra Investama (April 2013 – October 2021).
Christine was appointed as member of the Company’s Audit Committee based on Board Commissioners’ Decree No. 003/KOM-MLPT/V/2023 dated 10 May 2023.